BF2 startet nicht mehr
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Bloodnet Gaming Board > Battlefield Serie (BF2, BF2142, Bad Company 2, BF3 bzw. BF4) > BF2 startet nicht mehr
Geschrieben von: Pommfriedel am 11.07.2008 18:22:30
Ich habe seit gestern abend das Problem, dass mein BF2 nicht mehr startet. Ich bekomme nur noch das Start-Bild und wenn diese verschwunden ist, passiert nichts mehr.
BF2.exe ist lt. Task-Manager aktiv. Komplette Neuinstallation hat nicht geholfen.

Jemand eine Lösungsidee? dunno.gif

Geschrieben von: Deutschmaschine am 11.07.2008 22:47:28
Hast Du evtl. einen neuen Monitor oder nach der Neuinstallation die Grafikeinstellungen noch nicht angepasst? Dann versucht mal den Tipp aus dem Thread BF2 auf Widescreen TFT.

Geschrieben von: Taz am 12.07.2008 08:38:43
Freezed dein Programm nur? oder bist Du dann auch back2desktop?

Geschrieben von: Taz am 12.07.2008 09:11:12

Rechtsklick auf die Verknüpfung -> Kompatibilität
-> Häkchen "Programm als ein Administrator ausführen" markieren

Oder hier im Tweak Guide?

Windows Vista Users: If you're having problems running this game under Windows Vista, first make sure that you're using the latest Vista graphics and audio drivers for your hardware, and the latest version of this game (see page 4 for patch details). Next, make sure you don't change your UAC settings after the game has been installed, as due to Virtualization this can change the location of the game files and settings. If you can't launch the game successfully when UAC is enabled, you will need to run the game with full Admin privileges. To do this either right-click on the launch icon and select 'Run as Administrator', or right-click on the launch icon, select Properties and under the Compatibility tab tick 'Run this program as an administrator' then click OK. I strongly recommend that you refer to the TweakGuides Tweaking Companion for Windows Vista for more information - in particular check the 'Gaming in Vista' section of the Graphics & Interface chapter; the UAC section of the PC Security chapter; and the 'Personal Folders' and 'Directory Junctions & Symbolic Links' sections of the Windows Explorer chapter. These will tell you how you can fix game-related issues and also explain the relevant differences of Vista.

Launching/Loading Issues: The most common problem with BF2 is that the game crashes to desktop or goes to a black screen when you first launch it. The reason for this is either incompatible hardware (make sure you meet all the minimum specs), or more usually the fact that you're not running at the default Windows XP refresh rate (60Hz). By default the game tries to launch at 800x600@60Hz initially, so your system must be able to run that same resolution and refresh rate, otherwise the game will abort. If you are using any refresh rate override program/method, disable it (e.g. if you're using Refresh Force, click the 'Restore Original Settings' button and apply). Alternatively, see the Advanced Tweaking section of the guide for details on how to set a different startup resolution, in case your graphics card/monitor simply cannot do 800x600@60Hz resolution. Once you've got the game running, you can then change the resolution to suit your taste in the in-game settings, and importantly you can select a higher refresh rate. Then you can reapply any refresh rate override and the game will launch without any problems. To set a non-standard resolution see the Advanced Tweaking section.

Geschrieben von: Pommfriedel am 13.07.2008 19:24:20
Es funzt wieder. Eine Löschung ALLER Daten, die irgendwie mit BF2 zu tun hatten, hat geholfen. biggrin.gif

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